Maniratnam’s talked about movie ‘ravan’ is nearing its completion. With just a single story of ‘ravan,’ best actor Vikram is doing three films and that too all three with Maniratnam himself. A bit confused, but nothing to do because Vikram is doing three different roles in three languages of this ‘ravan.’
‘I play hero in Tamil version, villain in Hindi version and then I do one more role in Telugu version of ravan. All the roles are diametrically opposite. I feel like iam having three Maniratnam’s films at a time with just one story. This is dream coming true,’ said Vikram amazingly laughing.
‘ravan’ is getting ready for release in June and a plethora of star cast ranging from Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek Bachchan to Priyamani being a part of this esteemed project has kept the hopes of audience on sky high and let us hope that Maniratnam’s phenomenal magic work one more time on Indian screens.