This is the shocking news that has hit too hard on Tollywood in this mid night. KV Rao, a small time producer who made a movie named ‘Dadar Express’ few years ago has been caught red handed by Madapur Police when he was trafficking huge quantity of drugs in the city of Hyderabad.
It might be a surprise that, Mr. KV Rao and his gang was arrested 10 days ago and the investigation is on with a sharp eye on many Tollywood producers and major politicians who are alleged to be involved in this drug mafia.
Most interesting point in the whole crime story is that the vehicle which has been caught by police during this drug trafficking has appeared few days ago in Raviteja’s hit movie ‘Shambho Shiva Shambho.’ With this clue, police have started to investigate the under ground links of Tollywood producers with one of this biggest drug mafia scam and the big names are to roll out soon, a report said.
Further more breaking suspicion is that, Bellamkonda Suresh producer of ‘Shambho Shiva Shambho’ has proven criminal background and who knows; there might be many more big wigs behind this drug mafia. Let us wait for few more hours to get a clear picture.