Dr Rajasekhar comeback movie of sorts PSV Garuda Vega got a fantastic mouth talk and reviews across the world. However, it could not translate into numbers. The movie finally ended up collecting 7.5 Cr share at the box office. However, the movie is expected to have garnered good satellite and internet price. Below is the detailed break up of PSV Garuda Vega worldwide collections area-wise:
AREA Final Theatrical Collections (In Crores)
Nizam 2.44
Ceeded 0.64
Vizag 0.70
East 0.44
West 0.30
Krishna 0.45
Nellore 0.19
Guntur 0.44
Total Telugu States 5.6
Karnataka+ TN + North India 0.58
Overseas 1.32
Total World Wide 7.5 Cr