The Andhra Pradesh government has finally started its efforts to bring movie industry to the new capital Amaravathi. In this effect, they have started CRDA guidelines. In the capital city near Anantavaram Sri Venkateswara Swami Temple, a media city is being set up in an area of 5167 acres. Already the government has started talks with big production houses from Bollywood and Tollywood.
The government is also seriously considering attracting the media houses with several offers. For anyone who will come forward to build a studio, 20 to 30 acres will be allocated at a nominal price of 50 lakhs per acre. For all the production work that will be undertaken, government has plans to return some percentage of it and is also considering giving more incentives. Permissions will be granted on the single window basis and for news channels who decide to operate from Amaravathi will be granted acres at a very nominal price.
Bollywood Star Ajay Devgan and director Subhash Ghai are already talking with the government to set up studio. In the first phase, the government is considering welcoming all media houses. In the second phase, plans are being made to conduct international film festivals and after that an international level studio is being planned as revealed by CRDA officials. The second phase will start from the year 2021.