Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has done something which his Andhra counterpart could not do. In fact, Naidu almost stopped attacking Telangana CM KCR on policies or development front. But, Pinarayi Vijayan was in Hyderabad yesterday did not step back in addressing KCR and his pro-rich policies pushing the newly formed state into further deep troubles.
KCR met Pinarayi Vijayan requesting for the allotment of land in Sabarimala to Telangana Tourism for construction of a guest house for Telangana pilgrims visiting Lord Ayyappa in huge numbers during Pongal season and remaining period of the year too.
After both Chief Ministers appreciated the strengths of each other’s state, Pinarayi took a strange stand later addressing the media.
‘Actual reasons behind Telangana state movement and bifurcation leading to a new state formation are inequalities and injustices committed from past. Now, it has again become clear that same imbalances exist two and a half years after Telangana is formed due to wrong pro-rich policies formulated by TRS government,’ he said.