Mahesh Shah, the man who shocked entire India by declaring his black money worth Rs.13, 680 Crores in October under IDS (Income Tax Declaration) scheme is said to be missing from Ahmedabad ever since PM Modi announced the demonetization. Income Tax Officers are looking for Mahesh and searched his Chartered Account Tehmul Sethna’s residence today.
Actually, he was reported to deposit 25 per cent of the disclosed amount by Nov 30. Mahesh used to show mere Rs. 2 to 3 Lakhs taxable income in his past IT returns. None including Mahesh family members know about his exact business and investments.
‘Mahesh Shah is a person with big network of builders and politicians visiting him regularly. Sometimes, luxury cars used to line up outside his flat and he was a frequent flier to Mumbai, Pune and Hyderabad,’ said one of his neighborhood families to a National daily. He made real estate investments in Gujarat, Maharashtra and other South Indian states, the same daily claimed.
‘He is not absconding from police or Income Tax officers. He will answer all the questions once he comes back. He is in touch with all of us from last 10 days,’ said Mahesh family members.