Shriya Saran was a late selection by director Krish to play Balakrishna that is ‘Gauthami Puthra Satakarni’ wife in the magnum opus. After the sensational response for Balayya’s pre and first look posters in the title role, here comes Shriya’s first look in Gauthami Puthra Satakarni. She is playing Vashisti Devi, an important character which had got good weight.
In fact, Shriya was missing the Tollywood from last few years with no worthwhile offers flows her way. Vashisti Devi is definitely a game changer because it is alone Anushka who played a similar looking Deva Sena in ‘Bahubali’ and none of the so called star heroines have got such brilliant opportunity.
‘Gauthami Puthra Satakarni’ is all set to hit the screens for coming Pongal season. Currently, the unit is in Madhya Pradesh shooting Rajasuya Yagam. Letis wait for more details.