Young hero Ram is doing a challenging role in his next film to be directed by Anil Ravipudi. In fact, the talented writer turned director is on a hat trick with two of his films ‘Patas’ with Nandamuri Kalyan Ram and ‘Supreme’ with Sai Dharam Tej were declared as good hits. Although, there were initial reports that Ram will be doing a romantic lover boy character in this untitled film but it’s a shocker that he will be visually impaired.
‘This is not an experimental film. It’s a perfect commercial entertainer. When I narrated the story, Ram was excited to see himself in the character. We aren’t going far deep into the blindness and it’s just light at heart. How a blind hero appears like super hero will just blow away the audience minds. This is not an underdog story, this is just a complete commercial entertainer,’ director Anil shares the information.
Meanwhile, Ram has to wrap up his current ongoing project in Santosh Srinivas direction. Let’s wait for more updates.