Shruti Hasan to miss the chance of acting besides Nagarjuna and Karthi in a multi star flick to be directed by Vamsy Paidipally under PVP Cinema was sensational news 48 hours ago. The actress seems to have mailed the same matter to PVP Cinema on her unavailability of call sheets due to prior committed assignments. While schedules are planned and the dates of main casting, technical crew are blocked, bunking of Shruti from project has caused huge loss both on monetary, reputation and time aspects, said a legal notice served by PVP on Shruti Hasan.
PVP’s legal representative filed the legal case in Chennai requesting the Justice to initiate civil, criminal proceedings on Shruti Hasan by obstructing her next assignments too. Till now, neither of the parties has come before media to react on issue. Optimistically, there will be an out-of-court settlement before further there is any more damage.