'Mirchi' is the alone film with Prabhas as hero that has done considerable business of above Rs. 40 Crores at BO. Other than this, there is no film from Young Rebel Star which could make it into Top 10 Tollywood grossers. Then is it the name of Prabhas alone that is helping 'Bahubali' to do mind blowing pre release business nearly one year before the release. Yes, analysts feel that the combinational factor of Prabhas, Rana, Anushka and primarily Rajamouli is the reason behind Dil Raju giving a bumper offer of Rs.25 Crores to bag the distribution rights for Nizam and that too for only first installment.
Same kind of business response is seen even for other areas and this makes 'Bahubali' one of the best sellers of this season. If the same trend of hype continues with more promotional videos on the way in coming days, entire world cinema might have to turn their hands looking at the business potentiality of Indian regional cinema.