Being a responsible father, Naga Babu took enough care in offering a neat and clean first movie platform to Varun Tej. As ‘Gollabhama’ is now in making stages with most talented Srikant Addala adding the much needed nativity flavor into the romantic flick, we hear that father Naga Babu is quite happy with the progress of production. Good point to mention here is, Naga Babu is although enthusiastic to know on how his son is performing, he isn’t fingering into the script and production leaving everything on shoulders of producers Bujji and Tagore Madhu.
The way Chiranjeevi is designing the career of Ramcharan is pretty much known to all of us. In contrast, Naga Babu is remaining silent giving Varun a free hand. Pooja Hegde is heroine and Mickey J Meyer is composing the tunes.