Mahesh Babu’s critically acclaimed ‘1 Nenokkadine’ in direction of Sukumar faced a humiliating defeat in Telugu. Although Mahesh is praised for his wonderful portrayal of character and director Sukumar for his Hollywood style of handling the subject yet the result did not please the Fans. Such high IQ scripts can do well in Bollywood and the same is happening now because Mahesh Babu’s psychological thriller is going to Hindi with a dubbed version titled as ‘1 Ek Ka Dum.’
RK Duggal Studios of Riwaz Duggal is releasing the film in Hindi in good number of screens. A newly released trailer of ‘Ek Ka Dum’ is going viral on Youtube. We need to wait and see how far Mahesh Babu and Sukku can please the North audience. Whether the film will have a good run in theaters or just for TV screening purpose?