The rough gossip of Bollywood sex bomb Sherlyn Chopra keeping long distance away from ‘Kamasutra 3D’ director Rupesh Paul has taken a dramatic turn when the heroine quoted of director advanced her with sexual favors. In fact, Sherlyn made severe allegations against the director and also threatened of filing a police complaint for compelling her to sign to sign a film with false documents.
‘I did not receive the balance of Rs.7 Lakhs payment to be made for ‘Kamasutra 3D.’ he is refraining from paying the balance. He also threatened me on forfeiting the remuneration of movie, if his sexual advances are rejected. He sent me vulgar and obscene mails assassinating my character,’ Sherlyn said while Rupesh claims of having a father-daughter relation with her. Anyways, some say that this is mere publicity by both of them for the film.