Aamir Khan is doing the trick and the name of ‘Dhoom’ is enough for collections to zoom high. The sky racketing revenues of ‘Dhoom 3’ have white washed the earlier records of ‘Chennai Express’ and ‘Krrish 3’ in just three days. Yes, as per the trade reports from Bollywood, this film’s opening weekend total stood at an all time high with Rs.107.61 Crores collected in India and in overseas, its Rs.62.95 Crores totaled to a worldwide of Rs.170.56 Crores. Popular trade analyst Taran Adarsh called this as historic.
Despite there is a strong competition in South with parallel releases of ‘Biryani’ and ‘Enderendrum Punnaigai,’ no where did grosses of ‘Dhoom 3’ showed a declination. In fact, there are positive reviews and positive mouth talk leading the BO run. Definitely, this is a phenomenal success possible only to our Bollywood heroes Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan.