Young heroes, Prince and Mahath's multi-starrer movie, 'Bunny n Cherry' is gearing up for release on December 14. Ever since the title of this movie has been announced and the first look stills have been unveiled, some of the media sources started gossiping that the movie would be more or less similar to Mega Power Star Ram Charan's most awaited movie 'Yevadu'. However, the makers of 'Bunny n Cherry' have made it clear that the story of their movie has no resemblances with 'Yevadu'.
Having been made with an interesting theme, 'Bunny n Cherry' has generated positive buzz among the movie buffs. Krithi and Sabha have done the female leads of the film.Sri Vasanth has composed the music of the film.Rajesh Puli, who worked as an associate with Maruthi, has directed this movie. Haroon Gani is the producer.