Director Santosh Srinivas and producer Bellamkonda Suresh are unmoved by the current form of Junior NTR. The mighty producer having paid highest advance remuneration for NTR before blocking the dates, the ‘Kandireega’ director is aiming for a sure shot hit with ‘Rabhasa.’ Before this film, it was ‘Ramayya Vasthavayya’ ended as a humiliation on the part of Tarak because of director Harish Shankar’s over confidence.
Generally, directors become over cautious when dealing a star hero like Young Tiger and that too when their hero is passing through a ridiculous phase. We hear that, Santosh Srinivas has still struck to his old bounded script without making any changes even after seeing a flop ‘Ramayya Vasthavayya.’ This shows the confidence of Santosh and Bellamkonda on the story and treatment. Of course, everything depends upon the final output. To be simpler, even a film like ‘Kandireega’ will be enough for Junior NTR to restore his lost fame. Hope, Santosh Srinivas will deliver the goods.