She might have acted in few flop films and of course debuted in Telugu with weak project yet a touch of Pawan Kalyan can change the things. This is what happened for big eyed beauty Praneetha who is currently the hot buzz of film circles. She got a substantial role to steal the hearts of audience in first half of ‘Atharintiki Daaredi’ besides Pawan Kalyan. Nevertheless when Samantha is the main heroine, Praneetha was able to grab the maximum of attention with her beautiful look.
‘It took three years of time for me to get this winning kick,’ Praneetha said. Anyways, there are speculations on director Sampat Nandi is thinking of finalizing Praneetha as heroine besides Power Star for ‘Gabbar Singh 2.’ It will be quite interesting to see how Praneetha will cash upon this newly achieved star image? Wish that more and more offers will flow on her side.