King Nagarjuna's upcoming movie 'Bhai's audio was launched on 14th October. The film's cast and crew took part in this music launch. Nagarjuna in his speech admitted that Pawan Kalyan's 'Atharintiki Daredi' had paved the way for other big movies to get released in this critical situation in the state. Moreover, the good content of 'AD' crossed the big hurdles like piracy. Meanwhile, Nagarjuna appreciated the music director of the movie as he said the audio would be better than 'AD's.
'Bhai' features Richa Gangopadhyay in the female lead role. Devi Sri Prasad has scored the music of the movie. Veerabhadram Chowdary directed this movie. Nagarjuna, himself, directed this movie on Annapurna Studios in association with Reliance Entertainment. The movie is being planned for release on 25th October.