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Dasari cries foul once again .

Darshaka Rathna Dasari Narayana Rao, being a Congress leader cried foul about the regional disparities shown by the Government and Award Committees in the country. Dasari narayana Rao became too much emotional on the stage while speaking to the audience on this inaugural day of International Children’s Film Festival, 2009.

“It is to the greatness of our Telugu film fraternity that Director and Producer Prakash Rao has shown the whole world that there is a need for Children movies. He was the first Director in entire world who has made the movie for children. With time, we Telugu people and Telugu technicians are thrown to back seats by many Committees and we never got our own share in any National and International event. May it be Padmasri’s, Padma Bhushan’s, Padma Vibhushan’s or Dada Saheb Falke’s. What we demand is the correct and proper judgement of movies and technicians by all the award committees,” an emotional Dasari cried.

All the dignitaries on the stage looked to be in a shock with this kind of message by Dasari Narayana Rao. ‘As this is an event of International standard, there was no necessity of speaking about this kind of foul matter in front of the whole world. If we do have any regional disparities that should be rectified internally but not to be showcased before the whole world,” said few audiences.

To set the things right, Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Ambika Soni gave a fitting reply saying that, there won’t be any regional disparities based on language or personnel favours in deciding the award winning movies, this is just a myth and everything will be done with transparency.

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