These days, heroines are running behind bold characterizations like that of prostitutes. Even the in demand and demand less babes are readying to test their acting skills with this kind of roles. Most of the times, they are coming out with flying colors irrespective of the box office result of respective movies. One more addition to the list would be Varun Sandesh and Hari Priya starring ‘Abbai Class Ammai Mass’ released yesterday in theatres.
No surprises, Varun Sandesh will have the flops list extended by plus one because verdict from critics may not go wrong this time. Coming to the discussion, Hari Priya’s performance as sex worker Neeru is receiving accolades while at the same time, Varun’s character and portrayal are rated as mediocre with no development in the actor’s skill set. Though movie might remain in theatres for a week or more, ‘ACAM’ has done a bit of good for heroine Hari Priya while Varun completely fizzled in front of his lady partner.