Currently enjoying the success of ‘Kevvu Keka,’ hero Allari Naresh is quite busy with number of assignments starting with ‘Laddu Bhai’ of Ravi Babu to be followed by Saththi Babu’s new movie for Ambika Films as remake of ‘Kalagalappu’ then Chinni Krishna’s project, Bheemaneni Srinivas, Srinivas Reddy, Devi Prasad, Nageshwar Reddy projects are in the list. While many of the heroes in Tollywood are getting married, Allari Naresh is still an eligible bachelor who remained mum on this compulsory affair.
‘Audio release of ‘Kevvu Keka’ and presence of my mother made my marriage an issue. They have found many good girls to get me hitched but I kept all of them in pending. Presently, we are having great time with my brother Rajesh’s son Aarav who resembles my dad EVV in many aspects,’ said a happy Naresh.