Here we come with a fresh Friday and movie lovers have some good reasons to enjoy this week because there are a diverse range of films hitting the screens today. First in the list will be Action 3D of Allari Naresh and co, produced and directed by Sunkara Anil. This is India’s first ever comedy film made on 3D format with huge investment. Next in the list is ‘Psycho’ from Ramgopal Varma directed by Kishore Bhargav with Nisha Kothari and Raj Shroff as lead star cast. Definitely, this week has the possibility of bringing in some cheers as there is also much awaited ‘Raanjhanaa’ of Dhanush and Sonam Kapoor gracing in theatres.
Let us wish all the best to all three and our reviews on Action 3D and Psycho will be updates very immediately.