The unseen fourth Lion in Tollywood is ‘Agni’ that is Sai Kumar. This dialogue king has the capability to create thunders in Movies. Now, the voice will reach Television sets soon with his two game shows, one for Gemini TV and the other for E TV.
The show to be aired on Gemini TV is “Deal or No Deal”, where as that in E TV is “WOW”. Sai Kumar’s show on Gemini, “Deal or NO Deal” is facing the critics challenge for copying the concept of Omkar’s “Adrushtam” on MAA TV.
The show may not be a total ‘makki ki makki’ but with initial concept as publicized in the media has all the shades of Omkar’s “Adrushtam”. There will be 26 suitcases in the game, each suitcase having some unknown amount ranging from one rupee to 50 lakhs.
Participating contestant would open 25 boxes with all sorts of bargaining from the anchor or mysterious banker trying to purchase those suitcases which the participant selects. It is no doubt an exciting game show but only a small development over Omkar’s “Adrushtam” with nothing innovative, say many Television viewers.