Spicy heroine Ileana has got trapped in an unwanted situation with unnecessary comments when attending a press meet related to promotion of a shampoo. Ileana is the official promoter of this shampoo and when media asked her the question related to Politics and Votes? , Ileana’s answer was sounding different, “ People who know politics will cast their vote? As a person, i don’t know how to play this politics, so i hasn’t voted till this day.”
This answer is enough for media to get hold of this slender beauty. Media channels are making hue and cry of this issue and Ileana is literally thrown up into a situation where she has to render an unconditional apology to the Nation.
Few politicians went on firing over ileana saying that even after enjoying the luxuries provided by this country, how can she be against voting? This will send wrong messages into public. Being a star with a unique identity in the society, her words are listened over a wider section of the people. So, Ileana should correct her words before her words reach the society.
Ileana’s wordings in the movie “Rakhi” speak more about the society and the problems faced by the people along with a mechanism to solve them. But, coming out to real life, Ileana looks to be nothing concerned about her surrounding society.