Entire Bollywood is shocked and upset with todays Supreme Court ruling offered the sentence of five years jail term to Bollywood Star Sanjay Dutt. The main allegation of strength was Dutt acquired guns from gangsters who were involved in 1993 bombings in Mumbai which killed nearly 250 civilians. The court gave Dutt a four week time to surrender before police. In fact, the actor already served 18 months in a Pune jail. In 2007, he was cleared from conspiracy charges in Mumbai serial blasts but later found suspicious for illegal possession of AK-56 rifle and a pistol.
Speaking to media, Sanjay lawyer Satish Maneshinde said, 'he may have to serve another three and half year sentence. We are preparing him but out future course of action will depend only after receiving the copy of Supreme Court judgement. As everybody know, he is a strong man and will fight back.'