Young Tiger NTR and 'Gabbar Singh' director Harish Shankar's new movie's first schedule completed some days ago. Also, some of the scenes, which do not need Jr.NTR's presence, were also shot by the director. If the inside reports are to be believed, the movie's title has tentatively been confirmed as 'Ramaiah Vasthavayya'. Since, 'Ramaiah' indicates the name of both Jr.NTR and late NTR, the makers are said have felt this title would workout well among the masses. However, official announcement of the movie's title is yet to be awaited from the makers.
On the other hand, Jr.NTR's forthcoming movie 'Baadshah's shoot was wrapped up recently.SS Thaman's tunes hit the market recently and are receiving good response from the music lovers. The movie is being directed by Srinu Vaitla. Bandla Ganesh Babu is producing the movie on Parameswara Art Productions. The movie will hit the screens on 5th of April.