The first week collections of Mega Power Star Ram Charan's Naayak are out and the movie registered all time record collections in AP and India. When overall collections are taken into consideration, the movie collected a share of Rs.34.01 crores and stood at second best after 'Gabbar Singh's first week record share of Rs. 36.24 crores.
While chasing the target figure for the first week, another blockbuster of this season, 'Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu' collected a share of Rs.19.77 crores in AP only. As per the current trends, the movie cannot beat the collections of 'Naayak' in India. However, due to record breaking collections in Overseas, the movie can cross 'Naayak' first week world wide share of Rs. 34.01 crores and 'GS's Rs.36.24 crores. Meanwhile, the makers of 'SVSC' are leaving no stone unturned to claim their movie getting all time record in India as well. That's why the makers have reportedly released five days collection figures of 'SVSC' through some media. Interestingly, the Nizam collections have been raised to Rs.1 crore than the actual collections. Let's us see if the makers of 'Naayak' will give any retort to 'SVSC' or not.