Two most sought after movies of tollywood have been released and the results of those movies have almost been known. Mega Power Star Ram Charan's 'Naayak' was released on 9th January and has been registering record collections at the box office continuously. The movie is racing ahead for the blockbuster status. On the other side, Victory Venkatesh and Prince Mahesh Babu's 'Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu' was released on 11th January. The movie is getting record collections at the Overseas box office. The movie is being treated as a feel good movie by the critics. So far, the movie has got decent collections in AP as well.
But then, who is going to be the Pongal hero of the year-2013? Here lies the answer from the analysts. As per them, 'Naayak' has collected more than 'SVSC' for the first three days. At the end of first week run as well, 'Naayak' is expected to get a clear lead of collections than 'SVSC'. Even though, 'SVSC' gets good collections on par with 'Naayak', no hero from this movie is considered to be the pongal hero. Since 'SVSC' has been made as a multi starrer movie, neither Venkatesh nor Mahesh is considered to be the Pongal hero and they have to share the success of the movie, if it happens. "So, undoubtedly, Ram Charan can be termed as the 'Pongal Hero-2013'." say the analysts.