Looks like film industry is raping the incident of New Delhi gangrape. An incident which is seen as a shame on country's name and fame has become a commercial tool and an easy to cash subject for film makers. Already, we have heard about half a dozen of producers and directors beginning their pre-production works to use the Delhi gangrape in one form or other. Now, we have got one more added to it and this will be a bi-lingual to be made in Telugu and Tamil.
This untitled movie will be directed by Don Gautham and newcomer Revathy or Re is playing the lead role of victim. They are also using a poem penned by Amitabh Bachchan for Nirbhaya (later the original name is revealed as Jyoti Singh Pandey). Let us seem how many of these movies will actually hit the screens in coming days before the incident fades off from media's eye.