The long wait of Mega Star Chiranjeevi to join the Central Cabinet of Congress led UPA Government will fulfill in next 24 to 48 hours. As per the political update, Chiru has received the call from Central High Command to attend New Delhi by evening of Saturday. The two hour long discussions held between Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh regarding the expansion of Cabinet were followed by intimations for Chiranjeevi, Kurnool MP Kotla Surya Prakash Reddy and Sarve Satyanarayana from Telangana.
Nearly 12 to 15 new faces will become the part of Central Cabinet and all eyes are set on which Ministry will be offered for Chiranjeevi. Meanwhile, there is also enough excitement on Rahul Gandhi's inclusion. The other leaders which might get promotion in this expansion are Daggubati Purandheshwari, Sachin Pilot, Jyothiradithya Scindia and Jitin Prasada.