Heroine Nayanathara winning the Best Actress Nandi Award for her performance as Seeta Devi in ‘Sri Rama Rajyam’ is a fitting tribute to the entire team. The actress was overwhelmed sharing her feelings. ‘Without Balakrishna sir, there is no Nayanathara as Seeta and there is No Award. I am blessed because Balakrishna Garu visualized only and only me as his co-actress in the film. He was even willing to drop the project, if I am not going to sign. His personal attention in picking me for the role was more than a morale booster.
After hearing the news of Nandi, the only three special people I thanked in my heart was Balakrishna, director Bapu garu and producer Sai Babu Garu. I also thank the jury and my other friends Mahesh Babu, Nagarjuna and Manchu Lakshmi who won Nandi in different categories,’ Nayanathara said.