‘Nayak’ from Ramcharan, VV Vinayak has been the most awaited film to release for Sankranti. For the first time, heroine Amala Paul and music director Thaman has got the chance to enter into Mega camp as they are eager to win the hearts of Mega Fans. Well, more exciting from this film would be the re-mix song of ‘Subhalekha Rasukunna’ shot on Cherry and Amala.
Like we all, even Thaman couldn’t wait as he is dying to watch the visuals of this song. ‘Hello :)))) heard subhalekha song has come out really well :) can't wait to watch the visuals :)’ Hearing this from Thaman, gorgeous Amala responded ‘Thamiii .. fingers crossed .. super nervous n equally excited about the #new subhalekha song ... u better watch and lemme know!’ So, this kind of healthy discussion by heroine and music director is raising the expectations of Fans too. Wait and see, when Vinayak will release the first teaser of ‘Nayak?’