While Puri Jagannath has been surely lucky to bag the dates of Pawan Kalyan for ‘Cameraman Ganga Tho Ram Babu’ which is nearing for a rapid completion and a release planned in October, latest we hear is about Trivikram is also to get second time fortunate as his next project with Pawan will go on sets in next month for producer BVSN Prasad.
Apparently, there were plenty of names ranging from Veeru Potla to Sampat Nandi but the final call was for Pawan’s soul-mate Trivikram. Leaving no scope for others, the star writer has taken the dates of Power Star by impressing him with a superb script. Earlier they have done ‘Jalsa’ which was a hit and now they two are attempting a message oriented subject, of course not to miss on entertainment quotient which is the very essence of this Satirical Director. On the other side, Pawan scored blockbuster ‘Gabbar Singh’ and Trivikram scored the same with ‘Julaayi.’ So, this will be a winning combination indeed.