Power Star Pawan Kalyan's 'Gabbar Singh' got house fulls on the fifth day morning shows in Sandhya-35mm and Sudarshan 35mm in RTC X Roads on the fifth day of its release. Subsequently, the movie became the blockbuster at the box office. Similarly, Stylish Star Allu Arjun's latest offering 'Julayi' got morning shows fulls in the above theaters at RTC X Roads. As per the trade sources, 'Julayi' will also become another blockbuster movie of this year.
'Julayi' was released on 9th August in 1600 screens world wide. The movie collected a share of Rs.14.65 crores at the end of its four days run in A.P. only. Sizzling hottie Ileana paired up with Allu Arjun. Devi Sri Prasad has scored the music of this movie. The movie was directed by ace director Trivikram. Radhakrishna produced this movie under the banner Haarika and Hassine Creations.