The biggest boon ‘Kalamathalli’ has offered our Tollywood is the most versatile actor Kota Srinivas Rao. Celebrating 69th birthday today, Kota shared his opinion on why he stood in this position as a successful artist and how he is blessed with love and affection of Telugu audience.
‘Overall, I’ve done nearly 700 characters in my span as an artist. I am completely satisfied with the way my career has been traveling. The only reason why I am still an able actor who can have a grip on every kind of characterization is because of my roots lying in Stage performances. I am a Stage Artist basically but modified my style slightly to match for cinema. Directors always utilized the best in me. Thought I entered into films at a very late age of nearly 40 years, I never came out my comfort zone. Neither did I go for attempting as a Hero or Producer or Director. That is the reason why, I can never become a Zero.’