Although recognized a bit late but media can’t stop talking on the accidental coincidence in the looks of Karthi in ‘Sakuni’ and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. Movie is faring better in both Telugu and Tamil while producer Bellamkonda Suresh is on very aggressive promotion strategy for the Telugu version. However, a section of public are considering that Karthi has deliberately criticized Rahul Gandhi by copying his get up and also using some of the dialogues.
Reacting on this, Karthi cleared the air saying ‘we have no intention of criticizing Rahul Gandhi or any other leader. ‘Sakuni’ is just a simple political satire and a thorough entertainer. Even, I don’t have any idea to take politics in my future. I wanted to prove myself as a good actor.’ For now, Karthi is surely on the target evolving out as a new star of South cinema.