Young Tiger NTR is said to have a strong command over Ceded area's box office. Many of his movies, which were proved to be disasters at the box office, got respectable shares in Ceded area. Earlier, his 'Shakthi' movie was sold out to Rs.9 crores and recorded the all time high price offer for the pre release businesses are concerned. Right now, it is learnt that his latest offering 'Dammu', has been sold out to Bellari Sai and N.V.Prasad jointly for Rs.7.22 crores on N.R.A.basis.
Meanwhile, it is learnt that NTR and Srinu Vytla movie's title is being considered as 'Badshah' by the makers. This news was revealed by the writer of the movie, Gopi Mohan. Earlier, the makers of the movie wanted to confirm the title of this movie as 'Action'.