Ever since Hrithik Roshan stunned Bollywood with debut ‘Kaho Naa Pyar Hai’ he posed a big threat for Khan Domination. There is also new about cold war running between Hrithik and Shah Rukh Khan from the times of ‘Koyla’ directed by Hrithik’s dad for SRK. Now, here is some positive rumor to hear about Hrithik Roshan doing a cameo in ‘Don 2’ has been doing the rounds in B-town circles.
According to sources, Hrithik is to portray none other than ‘Don’ in the film. Hrithik will pull off his face mask after a point and Shah Rukh will emerge from with in. So it is actually the SRK ‘Don’ in Hrithik’s guise. Although ‘Don 2’ makers wanted to keep this sequence as a surprise, Hrithik was spotted on shooting for ‘Don 2’ last year in Berlin. This would be second time these two top heroes are to re create the magic of ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham’ while ‘Don 2’ coming as sequel to ‘Don’ is slated for release on December 23.