Tollywood made its intentions clear on restricting dubbing films and has called for a general body meeting of Producers on November 29 to discuss all major issues hampering the growth of Telugu film industry. This decision has been taken at executive committee meeting, Chairman of the Producers Sector Council, Mr Natti Kumar said.
Top points in thee agenda are:
1. Limit dubbing films up to 85 screens.
2. Prominence should be given for screening of Telugu films at all times.
3. Government should give permission for screening of fifth show to enable small films find space in competitive market.
4. Entertainment Tax on dubbing films should be in slab that is imposed in Tamil Nadu with ticket rates should be between Rs.35 and Rs.100 according to the theatre and the film.
5. Theatre rental should be flexible it can be either 13 per cent or a fixed slab as mutually agreed by producers and distributors.
6. Some other issues which Producers Council tries to keep away are the import of artistes and technicians from other states at cost of local talent.
While producers want to limit screening of dubbing films, exhibitors do not endorse the views as there will be a gap in view of uneven supply of straight films. Moreover in some cases the producers and exhibitors are the same which causes problems to small pictures and other exhibitors.