The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Wednesday directed the Censor Board’s legal counsel to look into the possibility of a change in title of the forthcoming film `Bejawada Rowdilu’ after an advocate filed a petition that the title portrayed the city of Vijayawada in bad light.
The Court issued the directions following a petition submitted by Gowtham Reddy, an advocate from Vijayawada, seeking the Court to intervene in the issue and direct filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma to change the title of the movie. In his petition, Mr Gowtham Reddy stated that the film would trigger ‘rowdy’ wars again in Vijayawada and disturb the peace in the city. The Court has asked the Censor Board’s legal counsel to look into the matter and submit its report to the court in a week's time. However, Ram Gopal Varma or RGV as he is popularly known as, refused to change the title. The film stars Prithika Rao, the younger sister of actress Amrita Rao, in the female lead. She is paired opposite Naga Chaitanya, son of Akineni Nagarjuna.
The film has run into trouble right from the time it was announced by director Ram Gopal Verma, inviting widespread protests and criticism against the title and the choice of the subject.
Kota Srinivasa Rao, Ahuti Prasad, Satya Prakash, Subhaleka Sudhakar, Phani, Barath, Lakshmi, Madhavi, Ashok Kumar, Mukuldev, Abhimanyu Singh, Prabhu, Ajay, Rupa Kaur are playing important roles in this movie.