Vikram has portrayed the character of autistic man with five year old child mentality in the film ‘Naanna.’ Here comes so called Swamy Nithyananda who claims to be a boy of six years old. As per a medical certificate produced by him self, hormone secretions in Nithyananda are not fully satisfactory and he is just 6 years old now.
‘My blood and brain are like that. I can’t have sex with anybody,’ adds the sex Swamy. He performed Kundalini Yagam at his Bangalore Ashram yesterday on the eve of Guru Pournima where the drama reached peak. Disciples including Ranjitha went frenzy dancing to the tunes of Swamy. They were shaking, shivering, swaying like mentally shocked people. Swamy is known to have imbibed Kundalini Shakti into these disciples and they went mad.