The ‘Babuji Zara Dheere Chalo…’ item girl is back in Bollywood with a bang Panty show. As Yana Gupta grabbed the headlines yesterday for wrong reasons when she ended up showing her assets inside the innerwear at a charity show, she wasn’t repenting as it was just a bid to look super hot and stylish.
Though Yana didn’t care for her short black dress and revealing knickers inside, Bollywood feels that this was not more of accidental but a gimmick by dare bare girl for publicity. Rightly choreographer cum director Farah Khan tweeted, ‘God have to get an MRI done for my wrist bone. Never been inside the machine before, and someone please buy Yana Gupta an Underwear.’
Well, Bollywood beauty admirers will queue up before Yana’s house…if she really needs Underwear to be gifted by others.