A recent title dispute between two upcoming Tamil films Sivakarthikeyan Parasakthi and Vijay Antony Sakthi Murugan has been amicably resolved. The issue arose when both films claimed the title Parasakthi in Telugu with both sides producing documents to support their claim. However after a series of discussions the producers of both films have reached a mutually respectful agreement.
According to sources Sivakarthikeyan 25th film will retain the title Parasakthi in both Tamil and Telugu. Meanwhile Vijay Antony 25th film will be titled Sakthi Thirumagan in Tamil and Parasakthi in Hindi Kannada and Malayalam. The Telugu title for Vijay Antony film is yet to be announced. The resolution of the title dispute has brought a sense of relief and cheer to the film industry.
The resolution of the title dispute has paved the way for both films to move forward without any hurdles. Sivakarthikeyan Parasakthi, directed by Sudha Kongara is expected to be a period drama while Vijay Antony Sakthi Thirumagan directed by Arun Prabhu is anticipated to be an action packed film. With the title dispute resolved fans can now look forward to seeing these films on the big screen.
The amicable resolution of the title dispute between Sivakarthikeyan and Vijay Antony films is a testament to the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect in the film industry. As both films move forward fans can expect to see some exciting developments in the world of Tamil cinema.