Vijay Antony the music director turned actor has reached a milestone in his acting career with his 25th film. The actor has joined hands with director Arun Prabhu of Aruvi fame for this special project. The makers have unveiled the title and first look of Vijay Antony 25th film which has been titled Sakthi Thirumagan in Tamil and Parashakthi in English. The first look promises a fiery action drama and fans are eagerly waiting to see Vijay Antony in action.
Vijay Antony is not only acting in the film but also scoring the music for his milestone project. The film is slated to hit the big screens this summer and its likely to take on other biggies at the box office. The makers have kept details about the other cast and crew under wraps.
Vijay Antony last film Mazhai Pidikkatha Manithan failed to impress the audience but his music for the Vishal starrer Madha Gaja Raja received a thunderous response from fans. Vijay Antony is also part of Gagana Maargan which has reached the final stage of production. With Parashakthi and other upcoming projects Vijay Antony packed lineup promises an exciting year for his fans.
As Vijay Antony gears up for the release of Parashakthi this summer fans are eagerly waiting to see what the actor has in store for them. With his music and acting skills Vijay Antony is set to make a mark in the film industry and his 25th film is expected to be a special one.