Naga Chaitanya turning Vrushakarma. Naga Chaitanya is currently starring in Thandel under the direction of Chandoo Mondeti. Naga Chaitanya is romancing Sai Pallavi as the female lead in the film which is slated for a spectacular release on 7 Feburary across the world in various languages.
In the meantime all eyes are on his upcoming project with Karthik Varma Dandu of Vurupakaha fame. Rumours are coming that the makers are planning to rope in either Sreeleela or Meenakshi Chaudhary as the female lead and Sparsh Srivastava of Laapata Ladies fame as the antagonist.
Now inside is the makers are planning title the film as Vrushakarma. This is increasing the curiosity levels among movie lovers. A look test is planned on Naga Chaitanya by Karthik Varma Dandu in the coming days. Sources say Naga Chaitanya will be sporting a different look in the film which is set to made with a budget of Rs.100crs.