The highly anticipated film Mass Jathara, starring Ravi Teja, is generating immense buzz among fans. The film, also known as Ravi Teja 75 (RT75), is directed by writer-turned-director Bhanu Bogavarapu of Samajavaragamana fame. Dancing queen Sreeleela is playing the female lead role in this mass entertainer. Recently, a stunning look from Mass Jathara has been shared, and on the occasion of Ravi Teja's birthday on January 26, a new look has been revealed, hinting that the Mass Jathara Mass Rampage Glimpses are coming soon.
The latest look features Ravi Teja sitting down to eat and stroking his mustache, giving a hint about the mass fair that is going to be like a delicious feast for fans and followers. The film's captions, which say, "Happy Ugadi Ra Bhai.. Ravanna Daavat Istundu Ready Aipondri", clearly state that the film will be set in the backdrop of Telangana. The makers have already raised expectations with the update, and the latest stills have given a hint about what the role of Mass Maharaja will be like in this film.
The film is being produced by Srikara Studios and produced by Suryadevara Nagavamsi and Sai Soujanya under the banners of Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas. Bheems Cicerolio of Balagam fame is composing the music for this film. With its talented cast and crew, Mass Jathara is expected to be a benchmark project in Ravi Teja's career. Fans are eagerly waiting for the film's glimpses, which are expected to be released soon.
As the film's release date approaches, fans can expect more updates and sneak peeks into this highly anticipated project. With its mass entertainer tag, Mass Jathara is set to be a treat for Ravi Teja's fans, and the film's glimpse is expected to create a buzz among audiences.