MB Foundation steals hearts on Namrata B-Day. Super Star Mahesh Babu's wife Namrata Shirodkar celebrated her birthday yesterday and on the occasion, she got flooded with wishes from all quarters. Mahesh Babu and children Gautam and Sitara. On the eve of Namrata's birthday, MB Foundation came up with a new gesture on Namrata's birthday.
MB Hospitals along with Andhra Hospitals, organised a special drive in the village of Burripalem adopted by Mahesh Babu. In the drive they gave young girls the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, to promote health. the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, prevents cervical cancer in the girls.
In the first drive more than 70 girls were vaccinated. The second dose of vaccination will be after a gap of six months. Namrata Shirodkar is overwhelmed by the MB Foundation kind gesture. Mahesh Babu on the professional front is busy with his next film SSMB29 under the direction of Rajamouli.