Naga Chaitanya visited Khairatabad RTO and the onlookers are pleasantly surprised to see him at the RTO. Naga Chaitanya visited the RTO to apply for the renewal of his licence. RTO officials who cordially received Naga Chaitanya ensured that he completes all the formalities and they finished the registration and renewal process quickly so that there will be hasslefree environment at the place without delaying the process for the other people.
The application process was completed when Naga Chaitanya completed his digital signature and posed for the photo looking into the webcam. Joint Transport Commissioner C Ramesh was present during the entire process. In 2023 , Naga Chaitanya applied for international driving licence.
On the professional front Naga Chaitanya is busy with his film Thandel which is slated for a grand release on 7 Feb 2025. Apart from it,he is lining up a mystic thriller under the direction of Karthik Varma Dandu.