Pawan Kalyan's fans are eagerly waiting for the release of his upcoming movies, Harihara Veeramallu and OG. However, due to Pawan's busy schedules with politics and government work, both movies have been postponed several times. Recently, Harihara Veeramallu was given priority, with only 7 days of shoot balance remaining. On the other hand, the OG movie has already completed shooting portions without Pawan Kalyan and is waiting for his availability to wrap up the remaining parts.
The OG movie has been in the news for its postponements, but producer DVV Danayya has assured fans that the movie will be ready for release soon. Speaking to the media after visiting the Tirumala Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Danayya confirmed that the production of OG is currently underway and that they will announce the release date soon. This update has brought happiness to fans, but they are also expressing doubts about when the remaining shooting will be completed and whether the movie will be released this year.
The OG movie is an action thriller film directed by Sujeeth and produced by DVV Danayya under the banner of DVV Entertainment. The movie stars Pawan Kalyan, Emraan Hashmi, and Priyanka Mohan in key roles. With a reported budget of ₹250 crore, OG is one of the most anticipated movies of the year.
As fans wait for the release of OG, they can expect more updates from the makers in the coming days. With Pawan Kalyan's busy schedules and the remaining shoot balance, it's clear that OG will be released only after the release of Harihara Veeramallu.