TG Vishwa Prasad, a renowned Tollywood producer, is bringing a massive investment of ₹13,000 crores to Andhra Pradesh, encouraged by Pawan Kalyan. This investment will be utilized to set up an electric vehicle park on 1200 acres near Orvakal, in Kurnool district. People Tech Enterprises has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Andhra Pradesh government to establish this park, which will be the first private EV park in the country.
As the head of People Tech Group, TG Vishwa Prasad has a strong relationship with Pawan Kalyan, and has already set up a company in Adoni. The electric vehicle park will include vehicle manufacturing, R&D centers, testing tracks, and plug-and-play industrial areas, generating employment opportunities for 25,000 people. This project is a significant milestone in the development of Andhra Pradesh, and is expected to position the state as a leader in India's electric vehicle revolution.
TG Vishwa Prasad's People Media Factory is one of the top production houses in Tollywood, and he has produced several films, including Pawan Kalyan's film. As a successful businessman and film producer, TG Vishwa Prasad has shown his expertise in selecting winning scripts and making path-breaking films. His investment in the electric vehicle park is a testament to his commitment to the development of Andhra Pradesh.
The electric vehicle park project is expected to bring significant economic benefits to Andhra Pradesh, with an investment of ₹13,000 crores and employment opportunities for 25,000 people. This project is a major milestone in the development of the state, and is expected to position Andhra Pradesh as a hub for innovation and sustainability.